
Welcome to my personal blog. Complete with a small portfolio of this and that.
So, use the navigation at the top right and explore away. Expect that I’ll update this about once every week. Here I’ll write about what ever crosses my mind. If you’re a potential employer, be aware you may not agree with what I post, but at least you’ll have a good idea of what I’m about. And, yes, I’ll write about art, music, Linux, guitars and living life on life’s terms.
The picture above was taken on one of the families first forays into Portland proper. Yay! Adventure! We got slightly lost and I dived into a side street, thinking I could go around the block, I then took a left into what I thought was an alley and it turned out to be an alley with a view of the entire Willamette Valley. It was totally unexpected, but an awesome little discovery. Such is Portland.
That’s all for now.
- Love and rockets